This is a how to for making all 4 of your head lights turn on when your brights are on. Your low beams will still function the same way. This is for 96-99 only, the 95's have a different wiring setup for the headlights. Instead of a dark blue and pink wire, the 95's use a dark blue and black wire.
You will need:
-1 Rectifier/ Diode rated for 50V and 6 amps (RadioShack Item # 276-1661)
-About 6 inches of 16 - 20 gauge wire
-Heat shrink or Electrical tape
-Flat head and Phillips head Screwdriver
-7mm hex driver
-Wire Cutters and strippers
-2 Quick Connects
These are the Diodes
and these are the quick connects
First, solder two leads onto the diode like this, put a black wire on the side of the diode with no marking and a colored wire on the side with the white marking. This will help you keep track of which way the diode should be installed.
Then either wrap it in electrical tape or heat shrink it like I did, heat shrink is better.
Now you can start taking things apart
Unscrew these 3 with your 7mm hex driver
Then you can pop the cover off the top of the steering column, just pull up on the edge closest to you and then slide it toward you. It's also easier if you tilt the steering wheel down.
Pull these 2 covers off
Unscrew this Phillips head screw
Then pop the vent cover off and unscrew the 2 7mm hex screws, my left tab is broken
One screw here, but my tab broke
Another screw here, but my tab is broke again
Three here, the black one on the left and the two gold ones that are down in the hole
Two in the top right corner, I'm missing one
Then carefully pull the top of the dash up, it snaps in along the front, so just pop it up
Then these three screws to take your front dash piece off
Then you can pull the front dash off, it also snaps in around the steering column, head unit and HVAC controls. You don't need to unplug it, just prop it up on the dash.
Now take your cluster out by removing the following two screws
Then prop it up without unplugging it, this also allows you to control your headlights and for you to see when the bright indicator is on when you test them.
Find the wiring harness with the blue plug on the left side of the steering column
Unplug it by pushing on the snap with a flat head and then strip the tape away from the wires
I found it easiest to fold the leads on the diode like this and cut them to the same length
Connect the black lead from the diode to the blue wire in the harness, and the yellow lead from the diode to the pink wire in the harness
95's have a black wire instead of a pink wire, so it might take some troubleshooting for those of you with 95's.
Tuck the diode back down in to the plastic ring and plug it back in
Now turn your headlights on to the low beams and check them, they should look like this
Then turn your high beams on, it should look like this
If it works the opposite way, with all 4 on when the low beams are on, all you have to do is switch the diode around, this will allow current to flow in the opposite direction and will fix the problem.
Then just put your dash back together and your done!
I was hoping the fog lights would stay on with the high beams also but they don't. I'm going to take a better look at the wiring diagrams and try to figure this out next.
Special thanks to Misnblu for finding out which wires to jump and what voltage and current the diodes should be rated for.
Paying someone to install parts and bragging about it being fast, is like watching someone bang your wife and being proud to raise their kids.