Well I was at work and found these side mouldings off a toyota. I got thinking and heres what I came up with.They come up short in the middle but the license plate could cover it after getting rid of the bracket of course. Heres the mockup.Tell me what you think. ( I cant stand these wheels any longer.Winter go away! and a drop)
I like it, flows pretty well
whats it look like in the middle?
overall, i like.
Theres a 5in gap in the middle. I will have the front plate cover it until i can join them together. thanks guys!
looks good, get it finished!
Hmmm not bad at all just need to bridge the gap in the center.
Want hub spacers? Shoot me a PM.
Looks like it will line up with the sides pretty nice. A little too square for my tastes, but over all nice.
where did you get the mouldings from would like to experiment on a 95-99 gt bumper
lafonjef wrote:Looks like it will line up with the sides pretty nice. A little too square for my tastes, but over all nice.
it actually slants out downwards in the front a little. So its not too square.lol
As for what they came off off Im guessing a camry or older highlander. I work as a technician not a body man so it could be lexus. Its toyota for sure though.lol
Im planning on bridging the gap when I get more plastic and join it together. As for now the license plate should cover it up Im thinking of flat black for a color. I cant see spending the time making it body color with all the debris that will be thrown at it.
i actually really like it, when you join them together, make a mold and see if you can make a full 1 piece unit, i could see that selling well if people here werent so cheap lol
Does the lip actually meet with the bumper on the sides?
Well here it is all complete. Its dark out so the pictures arnt that great. I may repaint it gloss black come this summer.^^ and yes the sides do meet with the bumper edges.Thanks
wow, man that looks sick, do work son!
thanks man. always thinking about something.lol Next is a 03 rear end swap and spoiler delete. then drop.
Moldings are off of a 04 (older body style) toyota tundra sr5.
more different angle shots and larger pics be nice. Other then that i'm a fan
Proud member since 99
maybe this weekend when the suns out and my new wheels are on.lol pic whorage for sure.
here are some angle shots before the rain comes.haha
can you say 2" drop?
I think I'm going to take a trip to the salvage yard monday =) What did you use to put it on??
3m double sided adhesive tape and a small screw on each end just in case I hit something