in a word yes, to what extent who knows.
Well after watching many shows on TV, including the recent one with Peter Jennings I believe there is another life form. Do I think there are green aliens with big black eyes, of course not.
Take for example what happened several years ago. The military noticed an object on the radar at 20,000 ft, the military sent six F-16s to find out what it was, they no more than got off the ground and the object went to 50,000ft, in less than 3 seconds. No object on Earth can do that, nor can humans survive that much G force.
That is just one of many instances over the years of objects and such.
- 2004 Cavalier - 124k, owned since new
a 30,000 ft climb in 2 seconds isn't impossible, it is implausible.
As far as that goes, I don't think we're alone in the universe the only question is: are they as stupid as we are?
I think the surest sign that there IS intelligent life out there is that they really haven't tried to contact us en mass.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
GAM (The Kilted One) wrote:a 30,000 ft climb in 2 seconds isn't impossible, it is implausible.
As far as that goes, I don't think we're alone in the universe the only question is: are they as stupid as we are?
I think the surest sign that there IS intelligent life out there is that they really haven't tried to contact us en mass.
People once said moon landing is impossible, we have before reached the moon. I'm just telling you the facts thats all.
- 2004 Cavalier - 124k, owned since new
I didn't say it was impossible, I did however say it was implausible.
To put it this way, Escape Velocity (without the aggregate of nominal air friction) is about 7 miles per second or 25,000 MPH. The Space Shuttle reaches that within 30-45 seconds of liftoff.. ther is, however a massive build up, an enormous energy releasein the form of light, sound, and motion.
So, to say that a hovering or basically stationary object would move 20,000 feet in 2 sec isn't all that unbelievable, but for it to do so without an event horizon around it (ie, parting clouds, super heating air etc.) and not kicking off a sonic boom,lighting up the sky by action or reaction I find implausible.
There have been instances in the fmr Soviet union where a piece of a dead satellite reflected false radar signatures (basically, the same radar type as the one used in aeronautics still active and beaming out radar waves to ground-based stations).
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
We are not alone... We have each other
Is there other life out there.. The odds are against it, but it not impossible. Have they visited Earth? I don't think so. If they are anything like us and had been here, we'd all be slaves by now.
I think many many UFO sightings are simply top-secret aircraft, drones, and the like. UFO make very convenient cover.
I do believe there is life out there, in some form. Microbial, bacterial, etc. There may be intelligent life out there, but I don't believe they've visited us. Even at light speed, the time it would take to travel from the closest planet that could support life to us is insane. The only way they could do it is to bend space itself.
There is probably something out there, but whether we will ever come in contact with them, in my book is very doubtful. - Information Source For 4 Cylinder Tuners
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I am with ToBoGgAn life yes but to what extent I have no idea, I doubt anything would fit into the star trek humanoid category just look at all the types of animals here on earth I can't imagine that evolution on a completely different planet would produce a species that looked similar to us. Then again you never really know their males my look like our hottest women here on earth.
I don't think there are other humans out there...
there's no way!
HAHAHAHA: Actually, the odds are far greater FOR extra-terrestrial life than not:
Assuming: Only medium sized orange stars with a planet about the size of earth can sustain life (entirely untrue, but we're talking about for @!#$s and giggles here), and there are (as an aggregate and for want of an even number) 100 billion stars out there.
- of the 100,000,000,000 stars, lets rule out all but 1% of them, assuming that the other 99% are not medium sized, not orange, nor do they have planets. I figure that it's a little liberal, but what the hell.
- were left with 1,000,000,000 possible stars. of that 1 billion stars, let's assume that .01% of them haven't got a planet about earth's size, density or near exact orbit. That leaves us with roughly 1,000,000.
- Of that 1,000,000 possible stars left with the same kind of sun, with roughly the same kind of planets and roughly the same planet of earth's... then lets narrow it dowt .001% that haven't got an atmosphere or evolutionary time as earth. That's about 100 planets left.
- Now let's get really pessimistic and say that the ameno acid formation and constitution on those planets was off juuuust enough to preclude those precursors of life... say, in 99% of cases.
There's still a slim chance, but there is a possibility of extra terrestrial life out there. Whether or not they're at least as advanced as us, or supremely more advanced is a bone of contention... you never know, but we may just be termed "mostly harmless," and obliterated in order that the Vogons may create a new interstellar bypass... but who knows?
Comedy aside, the numbers I've put forward are aggregate, they're not at all confirmed, because we don't have an accurate count of the number of planets, nor do we know the number of orange/yellow suns with planets... but I went with safe numbers and fairly pessimisitic assumptions.. they're nothing BUT assumptions, however, until we get there, we won't know a damned thing now will we?
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
maybe the other life forms out there don't see us as "intelligent" and therefore don't bother trying to converse with us...?
^^^ Which is the surest sign that there IS in fact, intelligent life out there.
Glad I said it in my first post.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
I think it would be naieve to think that we're the ONLY form of life in the universe...
but like was said earlier... to what extent? who knows?? For all we know we could actually just be a science project for some alien kid or scientist or something.
Point being... we may never truely know...
I think my doctor is an alien.
Stick his fingers up my ass, will he? I don't care what you're probing for, it's not in there.
Hey doc.. Why don't you tell me if I have any cavities while you're up there!
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
I think there is "other life forms" out there. I mean us humans are still finding new species everyday on our own freakin planet. I am sure there is something out there.
Have they visisted earth yet??? Not sure on that but hey never know though.
So if there were any life forms out there, I am pretty positive that we will never see one in our lifetime.
"All my life I have been trying to figure out who is behind this face of mine"
it's arrogant to think that we're alone in the universe.
and GAM, you left out time in your equation. ie, star cycle. an orange star still dies, so even if the star isn't there anymore, life could have existed and escaped the system and made habitation elsewhere.
Moreso, it doesn't precule the existance of life and the build up int he future on other planets.
Keep in mind, though, specific events transpired to make us what we are...while not impossible, it's implausible to think they would even be like us--much less register us as even alive.
It would be like use, without the aid of microscopes, thinking that the bacteria on our skin is even there.
Then you get into percievable can get pretty deep.
Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
i think the best theory is that gray aliens are people from the future.
there is no more black race, no more white race, no more asian race, because we've all nailed each other so much that it doesn't matter anymore. so we're gray and have big black eyes. the UFOs that people see and are abducted by are actually time machines, and people who are abducted and never returned are taken to the future to be kept as specimens of individual races and sometimes serve as breeding utensils.
Are we alone....? HA!! Where do you think Bill Clinton came from?
SLK 32
I believe Southpark was correct when they said we are an Reality TV show. They threw all different types of people from different worlds and all types of animals from different worlds onto one planet to watch what happends. It must be a hit in the universe! "Watch them kill each other!" / 732-742-8837