Not so much a debate as much as a matter of opinion.
Yesterday i was at my girlfriend's parents anniversery. Anyways, i was next to one of her brothers who was talking to an older guy accross the table. I forget the exact topic, something about college sports players. The brother said something that i knew to be wrong. Then a little while later i was talking with them and a different type that was related to my major popped up. Again, something was said that i knew was wrong.
both times i just bit my tongue and let them continue. The questoin is, did i do the right thing, or should i of corrected them?

Promise that forever we will never get better at growing up and learning to lie
i would have corrected him when you were talking with him personally..but when he was talking to the older gentalmen i dont would have depended on what he said.
i usually don't, but i'm a crass rat bastard that way. Just think of how many people I offend on here (granted, a decent percentage of those need to be offended).
I would say balance things out. Life isn't Candyland where we sit around, and as the Mole said in the Sout Park movie, "...sit around a lick Barney the Dinosaur's pussy all day", but unless you really don't care what people think, you'll need to use a bit of tact.
Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
I have the subject of my work come up in casual conversation all the time, and I usually don't let the cat all the way out of the bag... Most people are dumber than a sack of hammers and half are dumber than that... I usually say something along the lines of " you wouldn't believe half the stuff we can do."
It's meant to be a little spooky, but I really don't care. The less informed about forensics that people are, the easier my job is.
If I hear someone going off and talking trash about my profession, I'll correct them gently, if I get asked, I have my SOCO (Scene of Crime Official) ID... works well
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
I only hold my tongue when I'm too tired to get into a fight/argument/debate.
Jinxed: What do you do for a living?
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
I wanted to do Kinesiology too until I found out first hand that I'd end up slapping someone else's kid, losing my job, going to jail, all because of some undisciplined runt. So instead I elected to put those same runts behind bars.
On topic: I think the world is in too much of a distant state with reality. I believe everyone needs a good dose right about now. Even my ass!
"Speak the truth, and leave immediately after"
"The urge to save Humanity is almost ALWAYS a false front for the urge to rule"
"He who knoweth things as they are and not as they are said or seem to be, he truly is wise, and is taught of God more than of men."
JINXED: do you have a degree in marketing? I am currently a marketing major with an economics minor and a international studies associates. Starting my MBA in 2 years...
What do you do, how do you like your job?
Jinxed: Well, I can't guarentee it, but I'll look in A division. You might need to look around K division (IIRC... that's the one that covers Ontario).
Also, if you're going to get in, get in ASAP as a Forensic Ident. Tech., because, the RCMP is converting all but 4 of their non-regular member (ie. police officer) jobs categories to Public Service, which basically means you get to abide by their lovely little rules.
RCMP isn't bad, but... as part of the Topic, you generally have to be VERY careful what you say. I've had to re-write reports several times so it keeps me, my unit, the department, the division and the force out of the sling.... and I can't just say someone @!#$ the dog bigtime, or person x screwed it up royally... If I did, I'd probably be out on my ass.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
Back on Topic:
I think that if you think it's better to not say what you're thinking, it's best to just shut up and know you're the only one in ear-shot that is not so full of @!#$ your leaving an aroma.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
UpstateNyZ24 wrote:JINXED: do you have a degree in marketing? I am currently a marketing major with an economics minor and a international studies associates. Starting my MBA in 2 years...
No, my degree(s) are not related to marketing.
I am looking forward to moving on to our R&D division (clincal research and analysis) or Legal department.
I've just recently heard a lot of good things about the RCMP as an employer... doing some research...
BTW - IMO it is better to shut the hell up then try to be a hero.

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Eastern F-Body Association |
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GAM-Canada has one of the lowest crime rates on Earth...even if you are a crime scene investigater FROM CANADA yer not impressing anyone
FACT: The average NYC citizen has seen more action/crime then the most grizzled veteran Canadian Mountie!!!
^^^ Really?
Come on up here, and I'll show you a case or two. BTW, Crime Scene Investigators are on Television shows.

Also, let me know when you attend an autopsy of a VOVC (victim of Violent crime) where the face and internal organs have been liquified, or a child abuse victim that got tossed down the middle shaft of a flight of stairs... let's see your bravado then chief. If you think the avg. citizen has seen more crime than a police officer (anywhere really) my advice is this: When you pull "facts" out of your ass, you really oughtta wipe them off first to figure out if you got sh
it or shinola.
RCMP is a great place to work, but there is going to be MAJOR restructuring going on in about 1-3 years. The civillian operations groups will be kept as Civillian Members, but the rest are going to be converted to PWGSC (public servants), and their jobs will be classified in lower payscales. Since I have SOC (Scene of Crime) clearance, and my job is ops related, I'm staying on.
I don't know where your majors would be applicable, but I'll shoot you any opportunities I get in from work that may be applicable. If you're in good physical shape and have a clean record (ie, no violent/fraud related crimes... speeding tickets dont usually factor in, but that depends on the security investigator), you might consider a recruiter for the RCMP as a Regular member.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
well i'll tell you one thing i'd rather witness a VOVC then go to prison on drug charges and get butt raped, and id rather commit suicide before being a cop thats sent to the bighouse
i don't know what that has to do with anything but you were the one mentioning all the @ss talk!!! Hmmmm