Well I broke it down because obviously, there are differences and degrees...
I'll put in my 2 bits, but realise that I'm thinking along the lines of maximums, not minimums... I think a judge should have a good bit of latitude in assigning any penalties or rewards (in civil trials).
Property Crimes:
Theft over $5000: Restitution, 100 hrs community service per $1000 value of stolen goods.
Theft under $5000: Restitution, No more than 2 years stay in prison, 100 hrs of community service per $1000 value of stolen goods, compliance/peace bond for maximum of 5 years.
Auto Theft: Restitution on vehicle's value or cost for repairs, 500 hrs community service
Grand Theft Auto (more than 1 count of Auto Theft): Restitution, maximum 7.5 years prison, compliance/peace bond for max. 10 years.
Tresspass: Peace Bond 1st offence, $1000 fine or forfeiture 2nd offence, 2 years consecutive for each additional.
Mischief: Restitution, Peace bond 1 year, 50 hrs. comm service
Arson: Restitution, 5 year sentence with provision that structure that was destroyed be rebuilt using that person on labour detail.
Robbery: Restitution, 2 years prison maximum, Weapons prohibition for 5 years after release
Robbery with weapon: Restitution, 5 years prison maximum, weapons prohibition for life.
Drug Series:
Simple posession (schedule 1-3): 1: Enforced 2yr. treatment programme, 2: Fine up to $500, that and treatment if it's a second offence, 3: Same as #1
Simple posession (schedule 4-6): 4: Same as 1, 5: Treatment for 6 months, prohibition unless under doctor's supervision, 6: Enforced 2 yr. treatment and prohibition from purchasing precursors unless under Doctor supervision.
Possess for trafficking (Sch. 1-3): 1: upto 3 years first offence, 10 years second, subsequent, judge's discretion, no parole, 2: upto 1 year 1st offence, 3 second, 5 subsequent, 3: Same as 1.
Possess for trafficking (Sch. 4-6):4-6: same as #1.
Cultivation (Sch 1-3):1: prohibition from purchasing grow-related equipment, 5 years prison, 2-4: same
Cultivation (Sch 4-6):4-5: same as 1, 6: Restitution for clean up of lab and surrounding areas or value of building and demolition costs, prohibition from purchase of drug-lab materials, 5 years prison
Assault series:
Simple assault: peace bond, 1-3 months prison 1st offence, 6 months prison, psych evaluation and treatment 2nd offence, 2 years prison and mandated treatment 3rd and subsequent.
Spousal assault: same as Simple assault, but mandated treatment from 1st. offence.
Assault With Weapon: weapons prohibition 2 yrs, peace bond, 1-3 months 1st offence, life weapons prohibition, 1-3 years prison 2nd offence, subsequent offences are at judiciary discretion.
Assault Cause Bodily Harm: Maximum 5 years prison 1st offence, maximum 7.5 years second, subsequent judicial discretion.
Assault Cause Grievous Bodily Injury: Life weapons prohibition, Maximum 7.5 years 1st offence, subsequent judicial discretion.
Sex Crimes:
Rape: 2 years prison & mandatory therapeutic councilling 1st offence, 5 years prison & Chemical castration with random spotchecks for 10 years after, subsequent, judicial discretion
Rape with Aggrivation (use of a weapon, menacing):5 years prison & Chemical castration with mandated weekly checks, tracking anklet 1st offence, subsequent, judicial discretion
Sexual assault: See Rape.
Sexual assault of a minor: see Rape w/ Aggrivation.
Invitation to sexual touching (Luring): Restraining order 1st offence (provided there was no further crime), subsequent Judicial discretion pending psychiatric evaluation.
Capital Crimes:
Manslaughter: Intentional: 8-10 years, Unintentional: Judicial Discretion
Negligent Homicide: 15 years per victim, or judical discretion.
Homicide: 20-25 years, or judicial discretion
Homicide with aggrivation (commision of a robbery): 25 years to life imprisonment.
Police Homicide: Life imprisonment.
Treason: (I'm going to catch hell for this) Death, Persona non Grata within country, judicial discretion.
High Treason (Treason in time of war): Death pending trial.
Nautical Piracy: Life imprisonment if there were no homicides, Death by drowning if there were.
Air Piracy: Life imprisonment if there were no homicides, Death by ejection from an aircraft in flight (@30,000 feet) without benefit of a parachute or other life saving equipment. (yes, I believe in Ironical justice).
Driving Offences:
Reckless Driving: Loss of license for 1 year, after that person must take a department approved driver's course and re-test for their license and abide driving restrictions for 5 years afterwards, subsequent, Loss of license for 5 years & forfeiture of vehicle
Driving under the Influence: (0.3

$1000 fine, driving restrictions including zero blood alcohol, person may not be in control of any vehicle without an interlock device, loss of license for 5 years, Interlock device requirement on second offence, Subsequent: Judicial discretion including forfeiture and mandated substance abuse treatment.
Driving While Intoxicated: (0.5

$5000 fine, loss of license for 5 years and forfeiture of vehicle. After that: Interlock device, department approved driver's course and re-test and driving restrictions for 5 years after, subsequent, Lifetime ban from care and control of any motor vehicle on public highways.
Refuse breath/blood alcohol test: Loss of License for 1 year, $1000 fine.
Dangerous driving causing bodily harm: See Driving While Intoxicated.
Dangerous driving causing accident: Restitution, Loss of license for 1 year, $1000 fine per vehicle damaged, not including the vehicle the person was in control of.
Fail to stop at scene of an Accident: See Refuse Breath/Blood alcohol test.
Driving while License suspended: Forfeiture of vehicle if owned by the person, $5000 fine, Loss of license for 5 years consecutive with the original sentencing, Subsequent, $10000 fine, Lifetime driving prohibition, 6 months imprisonment.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.