So whats your take?
give your opinion and why you have that opinion
personally, i feel that there HAS to be other life in the universe. and massive amounts of it.
based strictly on numbers and statistics, on how many suns and planets and solar systems that we THINK there are, it would seem logical that there would be other "perfect" / "good" / "just right" environmental situations to sustain life and allow for evolution just as we have within our "perfect" / "good" / "just right" situation that allowed life to form millions of years ago and let us evolve into what we are today. and not only OTHERs but LOTS others.
i believe they are out there by the oodles and oodles. i dont believe they have visited us yet or that we will ever even encounter them.
think about how long humans have been around on earth and we just recently were able to explore a tiny part of the nearest planet to us, mars. and that we have no idea whats in the deepest parts of our own ocean.
so i dont expect other life to be at a point where they are capable of traveling faster than the speed of light (the only way that could make large distance space travel ie. galaxy to galaxy practical) or if that kind of travel can ever even be reached.
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I'm pretty close to being 100% on this when I say I know there is. Not just because of the whole laws of probability stuff but what of all the tens of thousnads of witnesses and all the video footage ? It can't all be faked. Sure some is but look for example down in Mexico and South America, all the people who have seen them down there and the fact that the Mexican govt. has officialy recognized that they exist due to the overwhelming level of proof.
Or better yet our own govt. who uses the F.C.C. to enforce the laws forbiding the broadcast of any siteings on the news and on radeo ? Doubt me ? Check it out for yourself, it is law that a TV station or radeo station that broadcasts any "news" about a UFO will have its broadcast licence yanked and they will be off the air.
Too many stories for them all to be fake.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
The fact that no intelligent life has contacted us proves that it exists elsewhere in the universe.
Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
I love that quote !!
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
based strictly on numbers and statistics, on how many suns and planets and solar systems that we THINK there are, it would seem logical that there would be other "perfect" / "good" / "just right" environmental situations to sustain life and allow for evolution just as we have within our "perfect" / "good" / "just right" situation that allowed life to form millions of years ago and let us evolve into what we are today. and not only OTHERs but LOTS others.
That's exactly what I believe; plus the fact that life wouldn't necessarily need the same conditions as us; it could evolve to fit a different environment; possibly even one that would be hostile towards us(Example: the bacteria that live in volcanic vents).
I'd bet there are an extremely high number of lifeforms out there; which will lead to at least some intilligent lifeforms.
"i promise we won't get drunk, and go out in boat in the dark, stand up in the boat and fire the gun into the air unless we have life jackets on."
I think there is life out there, why not? Considering all the diversity that exists on earth, I would have a hard time believing that this is the only planet in existance that has life.. I know its only recently that we've begun to explore our solar system, but imagine if the dark ages had never happened.. if knowledge and ideas weren't suppressed for hundreds of years, think of where we could be now.. Also think what could have happened if everybody on the planet could get along, and always have, and never wasted unimaginable amounts of resources on killing each other, but rather focused their efforts on exploration and the pursuit of knowledge. We could potentially be lightyears from where we are now (figuratively and literally). How many Einsteins were lost over the milleniums due to war, famine, and oppression? The human race has huge potential, but we handicap ourselves with pride. If there is a race out there that can overcome that shortcomming, it is entirely possible that they are much farther along than we are. (but we could totally kick their pansy hippy peaceful asses
) Plus, galactically speaking, we're infants.. barely born. We aren't even a footnote on the vast timeline that is space... it's been out there a LONG time, and who knows what is out there.. there could have been aliens tooling around the universe for billions of years. Maybe they already visited earth, saw that nothing was here before it was born, and moved on millions and millions of years ago...
Still, life is a needle in a haystack. Is it worth the resources to travel across the universe trying to find it? Its an exciting proposition, but I have to imagine there are safeguards in place to prevent it. Consider viruses and bacteria, if humans were to come into contact with alien life, we'd probably kill the crap out of it just by touching it, and it would probably do the same to us. With that in mind, hopefully aliens DONT come to our planet in our lifetime, it could be the end of the human race! We aren't ready to deal with the ramifications of it.. I think we have a lot to learn medically before we are ready to intermingle with aliens.. in the mean time, we have a lot left to explore on our own planet.
Still, and I'm not saying I buy it, but a lot of these supposed UFO abductees seem to get radiation sickness right? Maybe the aliens are aware of viruses and bacteria, and use radiation to kill it, thus preventing a pandemic for us and them.... ? I guess it COULD give creedance to the possibility that aliens HAVE visited earth.. but just like the world may never know how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop, we may never know what is out there (in our lifetimes anyway). But it sure doesnt hurt to keep an open mind.
If nothing else, I think we should increase our space program spending to figure out how to get off of Earth. If you consider how vulnerable we are on this planet, it's amazing. At any given time we could all be destroyed in the blink of an eye.. Look at Yellowstone for example, that whole park is a supervolcano. They figure it's about due to erupt (not saying that it is showing signs that it will, but that judging by its eruption cycles it could be coming due soon they figure). They say if it erupts it will be horribly devistating to life on earth. Thats just one of many things that could eventually screw over humanity.. so why not explore and spread to other planets?
I love earth as much as the next guy, but it seems like a pretty solid bet that at least some point in it's existance it will no longer be conducive to life as we know it.. so we should give our descendants a fighting chance by paving the way to viable intergalactic travel... If there is one thing this planet has taught us, its that nothing that lives on it is safe, and it doesnt matter how advanced or powerful we are, as long as we live here, we're at the mercy of our environment. Look at the dinosaurs, they covered the world once, and now they're extinct.. Nothing lasts for ever, not if we limit ourselves and choose to let our surroundings determine our existance.. It is conceivable, to me at least, that humanity could last forever through the studies of terraforming, cryogenics, and electronics.. but who wants to live forever? It's just upsetting to think that everything we've ever done means nothing in the intergalactic scheme of things if our race is doomed to extinction... and it is if we never leave this planet. The sun will eventually supernova and screw over whatever is left here... wow crap i'm getting off topic, AND typing way too much... ok I'm done.