I was having a Conversation with other Marines within PMO, and we were debating if China could go head to head with the US.
I think thay could, how ever i dont think thay could pull off an invasion ( suscessfull ) of the US.
any one else?
"An appeal to arms and the God of hosts is all that is left us. But we shall not fight our battle alone. There is a just God that presides over the destinies of nations. The battle sir, is not of the strong alone. Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death."
Speech at the Second Virginia Convention at St. John's Church in Richmond, Virginia (23 March 1775) Patrick Henry
i think it would be funny if they did...
they could claim that democracy is wrong and communism is the only good governmental system.
they could arrest bush and (not) have a trial, implement a new communist regime.
The biggest problem is who would they get here ? Anyway they would come we could intercept them and stop them. The only thing they could realisticly do is start firing missiles at us. BUT we have more then enough to wipe them from the face of the Earth so they know better then to try.
Nope I think the only ones we need worry about are the Canadians. They're sneaky.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
no they could get here cause most of are naval units are placed in the gulf area. so really if they wanted to they could send units across to canada... then cross over into washington state.
it wouldnt be very hard for them to get into the us cause our border patrol is bare to none. so yeah i say its liekly and yeah they would whip our ass's cause no matter how many of them we kill there's always going to be a asslot more of them.
JBO'S Mr. 64.....
yea i think that they could pull off an invasion if there were some way that they could get close enough without our detection. They do have the advantage when it comes to population but there is no way that they could ever even dream of gettting close enough to do any substatial damage.
I need photoshop...cause its time for a new sig
And I'm sure Canada would have no problem with them invadeing them as well. And even if they came by ship we do have radar and they would be seen coming before they left international waters.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
Mr.64 (Shaune Drake) wrote:no they could get here cause most of are naval units are placed in the gulf area. so really if they wanted to they could send units across to canada... then cross over into washington state.
it wouldnt be very hard for them to get into the us cause our border patrol is bare to none. so yeah i say its liekly and yeah they would whip our ass's cause no matter how many of them we kill there's always going to be a asslot more of them.
no, there are only 2 battle groups there.
i think that the Americam people would finely get off there laszy @ss and fight for there own land.
same reasion hitler never invaded switzerland, every man has a gun over there.
"An appeal to arms and the God of hosts is all that is left us. But we shall not fight our battle alone. There is a just God that presides over the destinies of nations. The battle sir, is not of the strong alone. Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death."
Speech at the Second Virginia Convention at St. John's Church in Richmond, Virginia (23 March 1775) Patrick Henry
^^^ If I'm not mistaken, Switzerland has the largest
reserve army in the world.
"i promise we won't get drunk, and go out in boat in the dark, stand up in the boat and fire the gun into the air unless we have life jackets on."
And I'm sure Canada would have no problem with them invadeing them as well. And even if they came by ship we do have radar and they would be seen coming before they left international waters.
Man, its already happened... ever been to Vancouver?
I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, thats as good as they are going to feel all day. ~ Dean Martin
Mr.64 (Shaune Drake) wrote:no they could get here cause most of are naval units are placed in the gulf area. so really if they wanted to they could send units across to canada... then cross over into washington state.
it wouldnt be very hard for them to get into the us cause our border patrol is bare to none. so yeah i say its liekly and yeah they would whip our ass's cause no matter how many of them we kill there's always going to be a asslot more of them.
Im just curious as to where you got this information?
so really if they wanted to they could send units across to canada... then cross over into washington state.
I agree with Jack, you think Canada is going to let a million people just come through their country, and at the same time we not know of it?
They could invade but they would fail.
Consider an invasion force for a second.
They couldn't logically want to use nukes to wipe out the west coast centers--that would make them uninhabitable for awhile, and that would tip their hand, and we'd build a fortified defense right outside of that area.
Thus, they'd have to "soften" us up with conventional warfare, enough to take out every major city and seaport along the West coast, which would me that again, not to tip their hand, they'd have to somehow have fleets able to mount a simultaneous invasion of Hawaii/Alaska, rather than taking them before, and manage to sneak aroudn evey other island that could send word, and avoid all the spy sattelites.
With conventional warfare, and the amount of troops needed to pull that off, it's not like they can send it over in a couple of fishing trawlers--you're going to need some heft ships that in the middle iof the pacific, Would stick out like a sore thumb. Further, considering that from one side of the country to the other can be driven in 2-3 days, straight driving. Whereas a trop transport ship can make about 30kts, max, on it's journey. Now, figureing this out, that means that in order for there not to be some type of defense, the invasion fleet must get within 4000km's before they can be detected, otherwise there would eb troop reinforcements from all over the country effectively doing shore defense. From Seattle to Hong Kong is over 10000kms. That means that China would have to find a way to get that much equipment and troops to conduct a successful shore landing within 4000 mines of the coast, otherwsie it should prepare to have to launch a D-day style invasion, with us KNOWING that they're coming, and the logistics of that are pretty damned difficult to carry out--especially because if we knew they were coming, we'd try to use aircraft or seacraft to sink the ships. China would have to take this into account.
It would be a bloodbath before they even arrived. And once they would, Do you honestly think that their only problems will be from the military--with as many crazy gun-toting americans there are? Nope. I'm sorry, but it would be stupid for china to even think to try.
Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
Well said keeper. ( me claps )
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
yup, america is very well geographically protected, and do you really think the chineese military could get through LA and survive, lets see them get through compton
they'd die before they would know what hit them
You'll never touch God's hand
You'll never taste God's breath
Because you'll never see the second coming
Life's too short to be focused on insanity
I've seen the ways of God
I'll take the devil any day
Hail Satan
(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)
lets see them get through compton
Compton is one thing... imagine if they fought through the West and MidWest and got to the South... hahahahaha rednecks would be all over them.
And Keeper is right, the Chinese could not ever hope to invade the US unless they took Japan and Siberia which would give them a short jump to Alaska... but still they would never get a 10 million man army through the Mtns of Alaska and all the way through Canada in one piece. As far as the Pacific, we have too many bases, subs, planes, and sateliites and they would't even leave the South China Sea before we hit them first. Our subs would pick em off first, taking out their large support ships and any carriers they might have built... then they'd take out transports and destroyers... if they sunk or drove off the subs they'd have to deal with US bases all over the Pacific that would pound them day and night. Our stealth bombers and fighters would take them out with smart bombs with impunity... they would have no air cover whatsoever since China is much too far from the US. Then whoever survives that would be wiped out by the surface fleet... and whoever survives that, hell, the Canadian Army could defeat
Summing it all up, they could not pull it off and hitting us with nukes on the West Coast would just mean retaliation in kind!
Honestly, it is not militaryily feasible to launch an amphibious invasion on the United States, there is too much Blue Water to cross, and they will be spotted by satellite imagery.
Yella02-I promise I will return to you in one piece and this will stay up until I am safely home
Hello we talked about this in school, all they had to do is cross right into Alaska, and it would really work if they joined forces with the Russians. but China has a ton more people in their country and they would out number the US, plus people in the US are lazy so if an attack would go down only about half the people would have the guts to fight for their country and the other half would hide or be off somewhere b*tching about how our troops are fighting in wars. It could be done, you act as though China is far behind technology wise and they aren't by no means. It is possible but I wouldn't want to wake the big dog.
WTF...serously...enough with the doomsday predictions...
If China would invade they would have to travel way to far to land in California. They would probably take the long way around through Micronensia. And Invading Alaska is just stupid...You have 3 months that the weather is even semi-decient. Becuase I sure as hell don't want to invade an ice cube...why do you think no one has invaded Greenland for God sake.
And besides...the age of total global warfare is over. WWII was the end of that. All of the economies are totaly interdependent on one another. If China would invade the USA then they would be taking out their #1 customer. And thats just retarded.
my 3 cents...yes three...my 2 cents and then the extra penny for my thoughts 2+1=3
and that statment right there is why i'm going to bed...good night everyone
Adam Asmus wrote:WTF...serously...enough with the doomsday predictions...
If China would invade they would have to travel way to far to land in California. They would probably take the long way around through Micronensia. And Invading Alaska is just stupid...You have 3 months that the weather is even semi-decient. Becuase I sure as hell don't want to invade an ice cube...why do you think no one has invaded Greenland for God sake.
And besides...the age of total global warfare is over. WWII was the end of that. All of the economies are totaly interdependent on one another. If China would invade the USA then they would be taking out their #1 customer. And thats just retarded.
my 3 cents...yes three...my 2 cents and then the extra penny for my thoughts 2+1=3
and that statment right there is why i'm going to bed...good night everyone
How old are you lol, oh yeah still a High schooler j/k
Look if they allied with Russia like I said before it is feasible that they go through Alaska, they go across the Bering Sea which is less than 90 miles from Russian peninsula to Alaska peninsula. Words of Military personnel, Historians, and college professors. It would take less ships to get troops across.
They wouldn't have to invade Canada. Our stupid Government would just invite them in and give them all canadian citizenship.
Logistics-wise I don't think an Alaskan invasion is feasible... The US Navy would block ship-borne traffic and the Air Force would give it cover... the Russo-Chinese Air Force and Navy is still no match for the US Navy and AF on a conventional basis (forget the nukes for now on subs). They would have to land quickly and as fast as possible and drive as far as they can to capture supplies and put less pressure on the Naval forces... I still think that it would take the Chinese Army months to get a huge army through Alaska with the crappy weather and bad terrain and all. There would be enough time to pound the Chinese Army from the air and remove alot of its heavy weaponry (tanks, artillery, aircraft)... then the US Army would fight (Canadians or not) the mother of all land battles in Canada somewhere... the Chinese would win at first but they would be pounded, demoralized, and would either retreat or set up a defensive front and try to force a truce...
And don't forget it gets damn cold up in Alaska and if they did invade that way and crossed the bearing straight unnoticed ( doubtful ) they would lose a good number to cold. And they would still have a HELL of a walk ahead of them before they could hit the main land U.S. And joke about Canada all you like ( I know I do
) but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't like a hostile invadeing army marching thru there country. I'm almost positive someone somewhere would pick up a phone and be like "Hey Dubya, I got some bad news for you. Thier is about a million pissed off Chinese people with guns and tanks and they are heading your way. Just thought you'd like a heads up. " They wouldn't cross the border between the US and Canada before we were pounding them from the air. It s just not possible.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
Ashley Becker wrote:Jonathan wrote:They wouldn't have to invade Canada. Our stupid Government would just invite them in and give them all canadian citizenship.
LOL HOW TRUE![](/global/images/emoticons/bj.gif)
ya, hopefully hillery dosent get in... 2 terms with her was enuf.
"An appeal to arms and the God of hosts is all that is left us. But we shall not fight our battle alone. There is a just God that presides over the destinies of nations. The battle sir, is not of the strong alone. Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death."
Speech at the Second Virginia Convention at St. John's Church in Richmond, Virginia (23 March 1775) Patrick Henry