How many have heard this latest load of crap? The U.S. does not own control over its own ports. In fact the control of the ports in the U.S. is owned by an English company
and they just sold it to a company thats based in the united Arab emorit ! Yes thats right folks the same people that trained the terrorists that gave us 9/11 will now be running security at 6 major U.S. ports. The port of Baltimore, New York, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Miami, and New Orleans !! Both Republicans and Democrats are screaming ( righfuly so ) over this deal. This is insane!! And the goof ball thats in charge of homeland security was on the news telling why this is such a great idea!

So all you men get ready to grow your beards and all you women get in line for your berkas !! Did we lose a war ? No !! We sold ourselves to these people who are trying to kill us !! What in thee fu-k are those idiots in DC thinking ??? I love money just as much as the next guy, but not at the expense of my safety !!
So how hard do you guys think it will be for terrorists to gain acess to our country now that there brothers are gonna be running the ports ? All I can say is I hope to GOD the Unions shut them down !! They may own the ports but they don't own the dock workers or the truck drivers !!
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
They weren't.
Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
COOL! So now Terrorists can ship nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, bio weapons, etc including other cells "hidden" in ships,. and their friends and brothers running the ports can let them right in!
Stupid country . . .
/\ /\ /\ Thats exactly my thinking.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
Once again, wow. Just wow.
And I'm not talking about the ports being sold either.

"i promise we won't get drunk, and go out in boat in the dark, stand up in the boat and fire the gun into the air unless we have life jackets on."
we talked about this in econ. the country they're selling them to (can't remember the name) is not affiliated with terrorists groups. The only sort of connection they had was that terrorists were using banks to filter money (or something like that) which they couldn't really control.
^^^ Either way its screwed up.
So damn stupid. this completely makes no sense. and once again, i did not Vote for this jerk. this is definitely going to be one of the worst presidencies in history and if something happens bacuse of this he should be impeached for not protecting the people. we need a President like good ole Teddy Roosevelt. he fought for the people and loved doing it. he would never stand for it. Where is the President who has some damn balls. not some southern bumpkin that chokes on a pretzel.
^^ both of the roosevelts were great. we need another roosevelt in office...
First this has little to do with the president in any way. Second this has nothing to do with the security of the ports either.
Good point.
All becuase the land is owed by someone doesn't mean that we can't inspect the area's and loads. They probably have it written into the contract. They'd be totaly off their rocker if they didn't

The company from the UAE will run the ports and the port security. It would be the same if germant had been given a contract to run security for Isreal a few years after WW II.
This is a monumentaly bad idea. Nothing good can come from this.
And I realize most Arabs aren't terrorists BUT most terrorists are Arab sorry if this offends but it is the truth.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
regardless of wether this group has direct terrorist ties.
the fact is because it will now be own and ran by midle eastern people it would be easier for middle eastern terrorists to get through undetected.
the same way it would be asier for a white person to get through security at a all white ran security checkpoint.
it sucks, but thats how it works.
and this is a gigantic risk.
we should NOT be outsourcing things so vital to the continuation of the US itself.

Creative Draft Image Manipulation Forum:::
^^^ Agreed. Most likely this company is legit and has nothing to do with terrorrists. But that isnt a risk I would be willing to take. It sounds prejudice, but that area is just swarming with people who want to kill US. It probably isnt fair to the company, but its still a risk IMO.
Well thank GOD that Reps and Dems both are comeing together on this and saying NO.
I think the pres. may just lose this one. ( crosses fingers )
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
Wow...just wow.
YOu do realize we arent giving control of the port to anyone. US Customs and Coast Gaurd still controll eeverything. Just like we have been doing for years, we are simply renting space.
Its not a big deal. Its nothing to worry about and it is not going to make it any easier for them to get @!#$ in..BECAUSE THE US STILL CHECKS EVERYTHING!
Please people get all the facts before fretting over something so small.
Roscoe wrote:
Its not a big deal. Its nothing to worry about and it is not going to make it any easier for them to get @!#$ in..BECAUSE THE US STILL CHECKS EVERYTHING!
wrong. the US checks 5% of the stuff. the other company that is there has the responsibility of checking the rest. so nope it aint OK. and im not making this up. this is what they said on the news.
Roscoe wrote:Wow...just wow.
YOu do realize we arent giving control of the port to anyone. US Customs and Coast Gaurd still controll eeverything. Just like we have been doing for years, we are simply renting space.
Its not a big deal. Its nothing to worry about and it is not going to make it any easier for them to get @!#$ in..BECAUSE THE US STILL CHECKS EVERYTHING!
Please people get all the facts before fretting over something so small.
Heres the problem. The company that owned the shipping and security rights based in England was a private company. Dubia enterprises is owned solely by the UAE, so we are selling the ports to a forign govt. not a forign company. Thats #1 , #2 is that the version of the contract put for by the Bush admin gives them sole controling interest over the ports, their security, and the hireing and fireing of workers. The unions have already been put on notice that if this goes thru they can expect to have everyone fired and replaced by workers of their choosing. So how is this good for us? we no longer control the 6 busiest ports and we lose tons of jobs.
Still think this is a good idea?
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
^^^ its always a good idea to get rid of unions.
i also think its funny that americans are so paranoid about foreign ownership of a business.... but have no problem enforcing their own LAWS in someone elses country....
oh well. its a global economy.
and the united arab emirates is just like the usa.
Oh and by the way no matter what the senate does there is this one thing that the president canand he said he will do
its called VETO the senate can knock down the sale all they want bush will have is way
trust me bush is probably making money on this. He is a dirty rat bastard that only cares about they once almighty (now not so strong) Dollar.

(Insert really cool picture of my car with some catchy name or slogan here)
Remember, if you have...i believe it's a 2/3 Majority in congress you can overturn a veto.
Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
2 / 3 Is correct Keeper and they can over turn his veto.
Blurred, The problem is the company in question is govt. controled by the UAE.
And getting rid of the unions may be a good thing but don't forget that the dock workers and long shoremans unions are very close friends with the trucking unions and the rail road unions. They may own the ports but nothing will move in or out of them.
This is gonna get ugly ! And all over money.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
Do you guys honestly believe that every country who has any kind of Arab nation / affiliation is supporting terrorists and trying to help terrorists attack you? A company based in the United Arab Emorites controlling these ports will not decrease your security from where it already is.
They have better things to do, what they are about... is making money. The royalty and ruling families of these countries control a large amount of the world's economy. The United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Iran, Jordan, Oman, Saudi Arabia... etc. All these countries and the money from the oil are run by these families, or businesses that these families are tied to. These families make Gates and Trump... look like chumps. They have so much influence worldwide its baffling, having leaders of certain countries who are in it to make money for themselves is just all the more beneficial.
Who ran to their aid during the gulf war? Who took out Sadam when he became too much of a threat? These guys don't even need their own military, they have the US do all the dirty work for them.
The terriorists you're so worried about are an extremeist group. Osama has been ex-communicated from the rest of the Bin laden family, the Bin laden family who deals with the Carlyle group constantly. Even Osama is just another pawn in the big game.
I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, thats as good as they are going to feel all day. ~ Dean Martin
Graden, and everyone else please pay attention to my next statement !! The company Dubia enterprises is a STATE RUN COMPANY !! They are owned wholely by the UEA
Govt. They ARE NOT a regular company at all. This is why so many people have a problem with this. If it were a company we could over see them and what they do. By selling the ports to an outside govt. that outside govt. can do whatever they want in the ports. They would be on the same level as an embassy. This is what so many people have a BIG problem with.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.