I never understood why people call someone who is of hispanic decent an Mexican to try and insult them. Mexicans have a history of probably being the hardest working in America. There are some who do jobs that you would hate to do but they are doing it just to get by and survive. If I was hispanic and someone called me Mexican, I might be upset that someone called me a race I am not but I wouldn't be upset other than that, hell, I might even find it as a compliment.
While we are on the topic of mexicans...
People...stop assuming that someone is stupid because they can't speak english. That has to be one of the most ignorant things I've ever heard of.
/end rant
www.kronosperformance.com / 732-742-8837
they arent exactly stupid for not speaking english...BUT some are stupid for not caring to TRY and learn english when there in a country whos dominant language is english... its like going to france without knowing any french at all...and not ever wanting to learn any french..
AND TO TOP IT OFF the ones who cant speak english get pissed at people when they arent understood...
bottom line... if there here and they want to at least make an attempt to learn the dominant language and there working and they are being productive to society.. then bring em on in... if there just gonna come here and hate everyone for not knowing what there saying and live on the streets, then send em back to mexico.
i have nothing against mexicans... this applies to all nationalities coming into the US... and also applies to United States citizens who are moving into different countries
The Other Matt wrote:they arent exactly stupid for not speaking english...BUT some are stupid for not caring to TRY and learn english when there in a country whos dominant language is english... its like going to france without knowing any french at all...and not ever wanting to learn any french..
AND TO TOP IT OFF the ones who cant speak english get pissed at people when they arent understood...
bottom line... if there here and they want to at least make an attempt to learn the dominant language and there working and they are being productive to society.. then bring em on in... if there just gonna come here and hate everyone for not knowing what there saying and live on the streets, then send em back to mexico.
i have nothing against mexicans... this applies to all nationalities coming into the US... and also applies to United States citizens who are moving into different countries
I can respect what you're saying and you're probably right but still, this is a free country...if they for some reason choose not to learn the language of dominance than that's up to them but I would say that it wouldn't be wise.
www.kronosperformance.com / 732-742-8837
Word...on both points.
At my restaurant, most of our cooks are Mexican, as are the people who come in and clean it at night (actual Mexicans, from Mexico). From my experience, all of these people are fine individuals. Most of them work 45 or more hours a week at my restaurant, and have a second job somewhere else working just as much. That's 90 hours a week. 90 hours in a hot, cramped kitchen listening to servers whine and yell at you, or doing janitorial work for ignorant people who leave huge messes cause they don't care. I don't care who you are, if you can work two jobs no one else will, for little pay, and never complain, you're a good egg.
Most of the cooks at my work immigrated from Mexico with no knowledge of English. They are now at a conversational level, having learned the language solely from exposure to it. That's no easy task. Can you imagine going to Germany or something without knowing any German, then having to find a job and learn the language just by hearing people speak it? I know I wouldn't be able to do it, but all of these guys managed out of necessity and the fact that they are dedicated. All in all, out of all the Mexicans I know personally...I have absolutely nothing bad to say, even if I wanted.
Of course, saying all of them is like this is just as prejudice as saying most of them aren't. I say just leave it all to the individual, generalizations are always wrong. (That last part wasn't directed towards you Adam, just a general statement).
Of course, saying all of them is like this is just as prejudice as saying most of them aren't. I say just leave it all to the individual, generalizations are always wrong. (That last part wasn't directed towards you Adam, just a general statement).
Very true. I like to keep things less generalized and more so individual. When you generalize, then you build ignorance and stereotypes. Just because you know a Mexican who doesn't want to speak english doesn't mean that every Mexican doesn't (and vice versa).
www.kronosperformance.com / 732-742-8837
it's all about stereotypes. Adam, you should know this. you're constantly grouped into one specific race, when you're not that at all.
it is difficult, even for me, to pick out who's Mexican, who's Puerto Rican, etc. I do try to use the word "hispanic" in situations that warrant it, but I do tend to try and not get into those.
the "speaking english" part is a little more difficult for me. the dominant language here is English, like it or not. if you were to actually calculate how much money it takes, just for Phoenix for example, to print out everything twice (once for English, once for Spanish), time it takes to record automated phone system messages twice, ATM's, bilingual employees, etc., you'd be AMAZED at the amount that this city spends each year. not to mention the education system.
my roomate had a little "verbal altercation" a few months ago while trying to pay the cable bill. the lady next to us was trying to explain a problem with her bill to the hispanic employee behind the desk. the employee was having a hard time understanding, and the customer definitely did not know Spanish. the employee actually got MAD at the customer and said "why don't you just speak SPANISH" loudly. my roomate spoke up, saying "because she shouldn't HAVE to" (which I fully agree). I just couldn't believe the nerve of that employee, saying that to her customer. just ridiculous.
Desert Tuners

“When you come across a big kettle of crazy, it’s best not to stir it.”
It's because they'll do dirty jobs no one else will do
just seems low class
and by being called a mexican it's like calling you dirty
weird but thats just how it is
that's just how it is huh?
Adam so then we should all speak the language of our grand parents and great grand parents? Exactly how far would we get as a country if no one could understand each other? I respect their heritage and their wanting to still speak their own language but they NEED to learn English. Adam you know me and you know I'm not a bigot or anything but If they can't speak the language all sorts of bad things could happen to them. I know most of their kids can speak it but what if Jr's not home and mom gets hurt? Who does dad call? Most 911 call centers don't have Spanish speaking operators and where it's true they will dispatch police she may be hurt bad and NEED medical help NOW. And then when medical help does arrive what if she is allergic to any medication? The ambo crew may kill her while trying to save her.
Its not prejudice to say they need to learn English rather its for their own good.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
Jackalope wrote:Adam so then we should all speak the language of our grand parents and great grand parents? Exactly how far would we get as a country if no one could understand each other? I respect their heritage and their wanting to still speak their own language but they NEED to learn English. Adam you know me and you know I'm not a bigot or anything but If they can't speak the language all sorts of bad things could happen to them. I know most of their kids can speak it but what if Jr's not home and mom gets hurt? Who does dad call? Most 911 call centers don't have Spanish speaking operators and where it's true they will dispatch police she may be hurt bad and NEED medical help NOW. And then when medical help does arrive what if she is allergic to any medication? The ambo crew may kill her while trying to save her.
Its not prejudice to say they need to learn English rather its for their own good.
Trust me, I fully understand and agree.
You guys are slightly getting off track though. My last statement was saying that I wish people would stop assuming someone is stupid cause they don't speak english. This goes more torwards people who end up trying to conversate with someone who speaks very little english and they conclude that the guy is an idiot for not understanding or speaking english.
Whether we think people should learn english in america is each others opinions but they do have the right in america to speak whatever language they want.
TurboEco, that's how it is? That's extremely offensive. I don't know what your background is but say if you were Peurto Rican...how would you like it if the new term for someone who rapes women as a Peurto Rican? Would the excuse "that's how it is" make you feel good or even sound right in your head? I doubt it would.
www.kronosperformance.com / 732-742-8837
Oh my bad! Then I'll re-do my post.
Nope I don't think if you can't speak English your stupid or slow. I don't know why anybody would think that way. Thats just silly. And as far as Mexicans getting a bad name you have to remember that the people giving them that name are usually from other central American countries and that goes back to how they were raised in their country of origin. I can't remember what the cause for any of the hatred is but they bring it with them when they come here and then other people grab onto the same prejudice and before long people such as yourself are asking this question.
I hate to say it but TurboEco is right, Thats just the way it is. I'm in no way condoning it or saying its ok but the prejudice is brought here by other people from other countries and then like minded / weak minded people here grab hold to the same ideas. Its up to the rest of us to prove that the whole country isn't full of bigoted racists.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
Z24 FReQ (Jarett) wrote:
it is difficult, even for me, to pick out who's Mexican, who's Puerto Rican, etc.
Just as most white people can't look at another white person and tell what make of European they are.
I do have a white friend that can look at another white person and say, "You're part french, german and irish" and be right. It's an amazing ability. Quite the bar trick. I don't know how he does it.
NJHK (The Turbo Negro) wrote:I never understood why people call someone who is of hispanic decent an Mexican to try and insult them.
Threads like these are amusing. See, here in the southwest, trying to insult a hispanic by calling them Mexican would be retarded, because they are most likely Mexican.
If you want to insult a Mexican, call them Puerto Rican.
ha ha ha
Agustin: I can do that as well.. It just comes from knowing world traits... I can do that with black people, whites, native indians... Asians not so much, but I can go 2 out of 3
It's like when someone (usually American, but not exclusively, Idiots abound everywhere) gets down on a Canadian and starts calling them a Canuck... like that means something.
It just goes to show you're dealing with a person that is no more developed than a child, instead of crying they start with slurs.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
^^^^@!#$ Canuks... <j/k>
Goodbye Callisto & Skađi, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
@!#$in Goths...
j/k... I <3 Goths... and punk goths... like Pauley Perrette
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
Most of them don't learn very well english because spanish and english are completely different languages. English has certain rules of pronountiation that spanish doesn't have. And as you can see most of the immigrants that go to the USA are adults, and most adults have difficulty in learning languages, It's easier to learn a language while you are a children.
I'm puertorican. My main language is spanish I was born in Hartford Conecticut, but have lived all my live in Puerto Rico. As you can see I do know english because I've taken english classes since first grade.
The Cannuk was a pretty good aircraft in it's day. I don't mind being called that at all.
I can usually guess country of birth and possible ancestory after talking with someone for a few minutes. It's a hobby. You have to be somewhat outgoing and prepared to be wrong sometimes. It takes time to distingish certain accents like Austrian from German etc. I have a great deal of difficulty with African nations, but I'm improving. Cab drivers (and other people who work with the poublic) are a great source to learn from because they are often immagrant and they are usually friendly. It's not easy to find peopl that you can just say "are you from ..?" or "where are you from originally?" People can question your motives. I am very non-judgemental and open about the fact that I am quite curious about other parts of the world. I always ask why they came to Canada and weather or not they like it. I just ask bluntly and have never encountered any resistance. People are almost always more than happy to tell you about their journey. It's fantastic really. Makes me happy that 99% of the people out there are friendly and nice. We all want the same thing; to live in peace and give a good life to our families.
^^^ Werd...
I was in Miami in preparation to go on a cruise, and since we flew down, and I didn't want to dump money on a rental car, we cabbed everywhere...
The cool thing was I nailed 15 of 15 drivers on their nationality just based on their name/features. All of them got a kick out of it...
Hahahaha: I think the idea is that some people will resort to calling people a name or slur when they're not getting their way. It's just indicative of how small some people's minds are.
Canuck may mean little if anything bad to you or I, and I think that's funny when someone starts in on that stuff... It's the same when you hear about rag-head or towel-head or slopes or niggers, or spics... It's just a word, the ass hole using it is the problem.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
I never knew Canuck was more of a slur...I always saw it like how Portuguesse people call themselves "porkchops".
www.kronosperformance.com / 732-742-8837
the best way i can answer your question is this....
they are (as far as i know) the largest migrating group into the U.S. right now, some try to do their best and learn the language and work hard to allow their kids a better life than them. Because there isn't much option for jobs they gotta work hard to make for a living, and rich or higher middle class people just look down on the dirty work jobs they do. It's the same deal with Italian, Polish, Asian(caused the laws for drugs from the opium poppy seed plant they used in their culture) and Irish (caused prohibition in 1920's) people who came over here way back when, they were looked down and they are portrayed in the media to scare people that they are a "threat to our society" which caused the things i listed above and many more. so in the end they had to work their ass off to get their kids(the baby boomers now) to be way better off then they are. Same deal for the mexicans now.
Now there is (not just mexicans) just people who come over and use Food stamps, have kids, and be ignorant pieces of @!#$ their whole life and i think that they really give most a bad wrep in my eyes, i deal with good and bad of every race everyday so i try not to descriminate, there are @!#$in low life dick-heads in every race.
97cavy22 wrote:the best way i can answer your question is this....
they are (as far as i know) the largest migrating group into the U.S. right now, some try to do their best and learn the language and work hard to allow their kids a better life than them. Because there isn't much option for jobs they gotta work hard to make for a living, and rich or higher middle class people just look down on the dirty work jobs they do. It's the same deal with Italian, Polish, Asian(caused the laws for drugs from the opium poppy seed plant they used in their culture) and Irish (caused prohibition in 1920's) people who came over here way back when, they were looked down and they are portrayed in the media to scare people that they are a "threat to our society" which caused the things i listed above and many more. so in the end they had to work their ass off to get their kids(the baby boomers now) to be way better off then they are. Same deal for the mexicans now.
Now there is (not just mexicans) just people who come over and use Food stamps, have kids, and be ignorant pieces of @!#$ their whole life and i think that they really give most a bad wrep in my eyes, i deal with good and bad of every race everyday so i try not to descriminate, there are @!#$in low life dick-heads in every race.
Very well put. It's not good at all to generalize and classify most people as something or most people do something. Example: You always hear about welfare than someone with a black face pops up, so immediately, you associate the 2 as "Most people who are on welfare are black" which is FAR from the truth. I could find documentation that says the exact statistics of people of races and what % of the people on welfare are each race...you'd be suprised.
www.kronosperformance.com / 732-742-8837
Speaking of the Irish:
Irish were coming over in droves in the early to mid 1800's and then began to arrive in a lot greater numbers during the potato famine in 1845. Come the American Civil War, many Irish quite literally went from the boat to the conscription lines in both the Union and Confed. ports.
Before, though.. during the build up of New Orleans, and several southern states like Mississippi and Arkansas, even Texas... Irish were lower than Blacks, if you can believe it. Irish were first: far more plentiful in number, Second: not covered by any laws allowing them to buy out their indentured service as most blacks were, and, the main thought among rich builders was basically: "They're only going to have babies... might as well round up the lot of them and make them do something useful."
See a Parallel?
In 1849, an Irish struck it lucky in silver, and just about made 30 million dollars in the space of a year.
In the Civil War, there were Irish Bridgades in the Union, and Irish Major Generals in the Confederacy. The Molly Maguires Propped up the Tamany Tiger in New York, and until the emergence of the Black hand itallian mobs, the White hand Irish ran the docks and most of the crime underworld in the North east and the great lakes.
EVERY new influx of people, be it Irish, Itallian, French, Mexican, Puerto Rican, or African has brought along with it the inevitable growing pains of having to assimilate and force the rest of the country to tolerate the new group. Mexicans, Cubans... They're another in the line...
The biggest problem to their assimilation (and adding their uniqueness to the greater whole... to wax Borg Philosophy

) is intollerance, indifference and disdain on both sides.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.