Ok, I have/had a friend that was African American (black). He would on occasion refer to me as his "nigga" (IM NOT BLACK). So even though I was brought up as a child taught that the "n>igger" word was the same as the F>uck or sS>hit...etc, not to be used, I knew he was using it as slang meaning "my friend". So I on occasion (even though it felt wrong) I would refer to him using the term. He was cool with it no problem until....................I said it in front of another "black" person. He then pulls me to the side and says that it is cool to call him that just not around other black people. So im kinda hurt to tell you the truth but then angry. So I confront him and ask him what the heck is going on??? I thought we were cool, you use that word towards me and thats ok but because Im not black I cant use it towards you infront of other black people?? WTF
I then went on to say that if the word is so offensive......why do african americans use it on each other? He had no response. I also asked why you have to be part of the "club" to use the word? If I use it in a negative way a person would know it just as if I called someone a dick head or whatever else.
SO to close this off.... I hear so many black people talk about a problem with equality and the way "whites" treat "blacks". I treat everyone like a person....each individual black/red/white/blue whatever color you are I see you as an individual, now if you fit a sterotype than so be it. You call me your friend, your boy, your nigga.....but then when the race card is pulled you chose your "people" over your nigga? Whose building the wall?
I think it's best to either:
- Treat it like is any other word.
- Don't use it even if someone else does.
I don't use it in everyday vernacular personally because it's derrogitory enough that it'll drown out anything else I have to say, salient or not. I understand the connotations and there is better way to functionally insult a person: their intelligence.
It's putting a velvet glove on an iron fist.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
ehh.....just don't use it
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= 220Hp/
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So if a black person uses it directed towards me...even though I know we are "cool" I should take offense? How should I properly handle the situation?
Wierd Al wrote:All your friends are laughing behind your back... Kill them
I've never heard of this "part throttle" before. Does it just bolt on?
Wiezer Walley wrote:So if a black person uses it directed towards me...even though I know we are "cool" I should take offense? How should I properly handle the situation?
If I knew the guy well, and it was just friends in the area: I'd say something like, YOU MEAN I'M NOT WHITE?!?!?! really REALLY loud. Like, Embarassingly loud. <3 teh Richard Pryor
If I didn't know the guy well, and it wasn't friends in the area, I'd say something like: YOU MEAN I'M NOT WHITE?!?!?! Really Really Stupidly loud. Follow up with something like touching straight hair and look at white backs of the palms.
I'm serious on both counts. But then again, I'm sofa king pale, it's hard to not take me seriously when I say "Ahm black, an' ahm prooud" with conviction, and smile.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
LOL^^^^ seriously though.
if his black friends have a problem with it call em on it
if you get shot your a martyr
its win win
I think because of all the background and history of that word, NOBODY should use it, black, white or purple.
Even Richard Pryor stopped using it when he figured out the damage that one little word has caused.
Just drop it from your vocabulary and encourage others to do the same. When afro-americans use it, there is a cultural thing going on there that as a white person you'll never be part of. In reality they should not use the term either, but you best keep your mouth shut when around people you don't know really well.
Listen to Pryor in the 70s (nigger, this nigger that, f'n this, etc), then listen to him in the 80s (f this, f that), he completely removed the word from his vocabulary. He did it for good reason, we should all follow his lead.
Hahahaha wrote:When afro-americans use it
ToBoGgAn wrote:we are gonna take it in the ass and like it, cause thats what america does.
Slo2pt2 (Projekt Unknown?) wrote:One my SON is ADHD N.O.S and Autistic Spectrum Disorder. I will nto medicate him he will battle throught this himself and learn to control it.
Wiezer Walley wrote:LOL^^^^ seriously though.![](/global/images/emoticons/bj.gif)
But seriously, it's not that big of a deal is it? Your friend is comfortable using it around you and you using it on him since you know each other well. The guy who made the issue isn't comfortable since he doesn't know you that well or just cause. So if you really want to use it, do it only around him. If others are around, don't use it.
Or take the simplest route and not use it at all so you don't accidently offend anyone....
ToBoGgAn wrote:we are gonna take it in the ass and like it, cause thats what america does.
Slo2pt2 (Projekt Unknown?) wrote:One my SON is ADHD N.O.S and Autistic Spectrum Disorder. I will nto medicate him he will battle throught this himself and learn to control it.
Why are you guys laughing at the proper term "afro-American"?
I'll define it for you since you think it's so funny.
Noun 1. Afro-American - an American whose ancestors were born in Africa
African-American, Black American
American - a native or inhabitant of the United States
Adj. 1. Afro-American - pertaining to or characteristic of Americans of African ancestry; "Afro-American culture"; "many black people preferred to be called African-American or Afro-American"
black - of or belonging to a racial group having dark skin especially of sub-Saharan African origin; "a great people--a black people--...injected new meaning and dignity into the veins of civilization"- Martin Luther King Jr.
You have a problem with that?
Hahahaha wrote:Why are you guys laughing at the proper term "afro-American"?
You have a problem with that?
Nothing, just that you're a little behind the times.
In the late 1980s, Blacks began to abandon the term Afro-American, adopting the autonym African American instead.
ToBoGgAn wrote:we are gonna take it in the ass and like it, cause thats what america does.
Slo2pt2 (Projekt Unknown?) wrote:One my SON is ADHD N.O.S and Autistic Spectrum Disorder. I will nto medicate him he will battle throught this himself and learn to control it.
Don't waste your effort looking for any logic behind such a hypocrisy in the use of the n-word.
Blacks want to be the only ones to have it, although you don't dare deny anybody anything due to their race.
I hit bust teeth of all peoples that refer to me as cracka, cracker, honkey, nigga, etc. Ever since the Coz, it's my new rule.
White Power!..... oh wait..... sssss.... yeah, err forgot, it's only PC if it's BLACK power.
Capo di tutti capi wrote:I hit bust teeth of all peoples that refer to me as cracka, cracker, honkey, nigga, etc. Ever since the Coz, it's my new rule.
White Power!..... oh wait..... sssss.... yeah, err forgot, it's only PC if it's BLACK power.
Not if you're talking about Idi Amin.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
You mean "His Excellency President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea, and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular.", that Idi Amin? Wack job!
Yeah... but his friends just call him Ed.
He expelled East Indians and Asians from Uganda... That's Black Power.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
i dont care wut the dictionary says but "afro-american" was used cus most black people back in the day had afros. and the n-word shouldnt be used by anybody. i wish rappers and ghetto people would quit usin it so we wouldnt have this problem but thats not gonna happen. and man, some of u guys are real rascist. if u really have to ask about it u shouldnt even think of sayin it
Afro is the prefix as opposed to saying African. Mainly because the eugenic and anthropological term for their ethnicity is negroid (from latin for black) and the idea was that you emphasize American as opposed to African... mostly because most of the people in question were not only born in the USA, but also because of the idea of patriotism before it was dishonoured by the people charged with stewarding the public trust.
BTW, I still get a kick out of the scene in The Jerk when Steve Martin declares loudly "SIR, YOU ARE TALKING TO A NIGGER!" It kinda sucked that he had to come up against Iron-Balls McGinty
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
silly negros.
Around here, a local rock station has this black dude on the afternoon show named "krackerman". He prefers to have the word "nige" used instead. At work, we use "knicker", "nukker", and negro. I use to live in a "blacker" town, and if you lived there long enough, everyone was your nigga, unless you said it in an angry tone.
how to deal with it? when he says something like, "'sup nigga?" reply, "Not much, honkey."
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