Social darwinism at it's finest. A lot of liberals are one kid or no kid families so the whole thing is just dying off. Someone once said that it doesn't matter if you're good or bad, right or wrong, strong or weak... all that matters is cold hard numbers. That's why, for example, black people won freedom from Apartheid in South Africa and why Quebec is the only French speaking place in all of North America. Pure numbers. That's all. That's also why the Southern US will eventually become Spanish again. If there's more of X than there is of Y, than X wins. Might take a century or so, but it'll happen.
Now, you'd think from what I said above that I'm against liberalism or that I hate it like Ann Coulter hates being reminded that she's a feminist. But I empathise with liberalism. I'm no vegan/PETA activist/metrosexual by any means but I have a lot more in common with the lefties than the right.
However, the left has made a huge miscalculation when it comes to having kids. IE: They don't have any. At least not like their polar opposite counterparts do. I'd say most right wingers have 2.5 kids per family while left wingers have 1.5 kid per two families, if that. (Of course dumb people with no minds at all that are leeching the system dry have 4-5 kids per family, but that's another thread idea altogether.) At this rate really real liberals, which are already dying off (Just look at how Democrats are sucking up to conservatives now.) and don't have a lot of time left. In a generation or two there won't be many liberals outside of Hollywood and a few enclaves like Boston, New York, Seattle and San Francisco.
Sucks for them. Doesn't bother me much, I'm just commenting on the situation as I see it, but the world will be a poorer place without a voice to shout down the the "God, Guns and Glory!" crowd.
Anyone else noticing this trend? Is Liberalism good and strong where you are, or being relegated to the fringe? I'm really curious.
I Live in Seattle. You want more "Liberal?" Head to San Fransisco.
It's not dying any more than "Conservativism" is dying. Espeically since "Liberal" and "Conservative" are fluid terms and are only set to be judged under a given set of circumstances. Go back about 100 years and the "Liberal" notion was to be part of a global community and economy while the "Conservative" notion was to be isolationist. Now it's pretty much reversed--the conservatives are all for big business to seek cheap labor overseas while the liberals want everything brough back home.
Aside from that technicality, as long as america contains their "polar lockstep march" mentality, there will always be two sides to the same narrow-minded coin. Even though you say it's the conservatives being "fruitful and multiplying", keep also in kind the welfare moms and deadbeat dads, who rely on a more liberal ideology for their livelyhood, are still going to be pumping out kids like slot (or slut) machines. Further, you're also assuming that 100% of the time, children pick up the same values as their parents. Not always. Even in the large "breeder" christian conservative family, usually at least one goes into full-on rebellion mode, looks at the lifestyle they lived in, and deems it wrong for the rest of their life. these people egt out and en up breeding with each other (like attaracts like). While the ebb and flow would produce an increase on one side ot the other that would seesaw, neither socio-political concept would be gone for good unless the entire system collapsed (not ecatly a bad thing if you think about it).
Plus, with the way that the conservative government has been for the last couple of years, i seriously doubt they'd be in a huge upswing with they way they've @!#$ over the country. Give the liberals some time to @!#$ the country in their own way before you see another conservative swing, and vice-versa.
Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
This is why I like you so much Keep. I always learn something from your posts or have something to think about.
Thanks man.
Another example:
A staple festival in Seattle is the Fremont Solstice parade, which since I can remeber, has nude bicyclists as part of it.
Desipite some "conservative" outcries of "The children might see that" There is nothing indicating that they will stop people from bicycling nude in the parade any time soon.
If "librealism" was dying, this would have been stopped.
I personally think that the area in which you live has values based upon the environment in which you live, which will form a core fundamental belief. You will also have dissenters from that belief. Thus, in some places, one concept might seem "dead" or "dying" but it never will IMHO.
Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
The children might see that!!!!! Is always funny in my book.
Boobs for example. Never understood the big problem with them. Most kids suckle on them as babies. All little girls have them by age 10. And both men and women have seen them numerous times. Little boys might go
but it'll never traumatize them or anything.
Penises and Vaginas? Same thing. Little boys have the P and little girls have the V. So seeing one on a TV is disturbing because...?
Yet the same people who frown on sex love sports, especially warlike sports like hockey and football where injuries are common and roughness is encouraged. Yeahhhhhh... let's work our sexual frustrations out through violence. I'm sure serial killers don't do that either.
I think that what I meant was that the 60's type liberal socialist is dying off, replaced by a people that are much more libertarian in ideology. It's not a conservative mindset, but it can't be called liberal exactly. The guys from South Park come to mind.
Actually, i see it as simply a different set of values that are polarized.
On one hand, you have the "Everything non-status-quo should be heralded as acceptable, right, and given free kickbacks to the detriment of the status quo;" and the polarity to that is "everything that is and was the "conservative" status-quo is good enough and we don't need to accept anything different from that."
In onther words, the "modern day" "liberal" are the people that would be pushing all "new age" agenda and demonizing what's held as "status quo" and the modern day conservative is trying to hold onto the bygone era.
My opinion, neither is wholly right or wrong.
What i find is interesting is because my g/f is Slovak, i have been introduuced a bit to what their modern culture is like--which is very similar to the rest of the E.U, just speaking a different language and maybe eating different food. Regardless, there's not a similar societal taboo there at large on the sexuality and nudity thing. This seems to be europe-wide. There's not the fascination with violence, and in general there's not as many religious issues teeming from the more "radical" thought processes. For example on the religious tone, Slovakia is a predominantly Roman Catholic nation. Yet, despite the much greater religous underpinnings there, there's liteally no issues with the "Creationism", "Intelligent Design", and "Evolution" debate that we have here.
So, over there, you see a comerical on at prime time where a woman, nude, is putting on body lotion, and it's no big deal. Or, you see another primetime program where you see a specimen of man-ass, and again, no big deal. Here, you see Janet Jackson's nipple and it's a HUGE deal.
To me, it's just an aspect that is not as polarized in my area is it maybe is elsewhere in the states. Here, one of the biggest issues is the whole Gay Marriage issues, which a lot of countries in europe see as a pointless pissing contest here.
Anyhow, on an aside, I think that the whole, "But are children will see it" is only come up because the people that utter it are afraid that they don't look good enough naked to their s/o or potential s/o, and think they'll have a better shot if no one knows whaat anyone looks like until it's a done deal sex-wise. In other words, anything radical is merely brought on by low self-esteem
Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.